Do I Need to Retrofit My Plumbing System?

Retrofitting your plumbing can be a great idea. As the pipes and parts in your plumbing system begin to wear, they can become more prone to costly problems such as leaks and deterioration. Additionally, older systems are often built using parts that are outdated—even though they were modern at the time of installation—and are often much less energy-efficient than newly built plumbing. This means homeowners could be paying more monthly just on their water and energy bills alone, not to mention the cost of repairing leaky pipes or replacing corroded or clogged fixtures.

The procedure of retrofitting is a costly one, however, it can save you big bucks down the line—especially if your existing plumbing system is decades old. Here are a few things you should know about plumbing retrofitting before taking the plunge.

The Process of Retrofitting Plumbing

While retrofitting your pipes will save you money in the long run, it can be an expensive endeavor depending on how much you want to gut. It all starts with a comprehensive assessment done by a plumbing professional, who will guide you on what should stay and what should go. This is a great time to finally swap out those old appliances with newer, more energy-efficient models—if your budget allows.

The main effort of the retrofitting process will go into replacing old, inefficient pipes with lines made of corrosive-resistant materials while also ensuring that your system has proper insulation to prevent heat loss. Older homes will benefit greatly from this procedure, as many homes built in the 1970s through the 1990s feature pipes made of polybutylene, a material that is prone to corrosion when interacting with chemicals from municipal water supplies.

Investing for the Future

In the long run, choosing to retrofit your plumbing is really choosing to invest in the future of your property. Having efficient pipes and appliances in your home means reducing your energy and water expenses month after month. Your replaced lines will also be less likely to leak due to corroded pipes or parts, and the corrosive-resistant materials of your new lines will ensure that they will not leak due to corrosion for the foreseeable future.

Of course, it’s a large monetary investment to make. So, while newly built homes will likely not need their plumbing retrofitted anytime soon, older homes may warrant the cost of the endeavor if you know that the plumbing is original to the home. It’s also a great time to update or upgrade your current appliance with new tech—which will continue to minimize your carbon footprint and monthly bills.

Continued Maintenance

Just because you’ve retrofitted your plumbing doesn’t mean that you can take it easy on the maintenance. 535 Plumbing does recommend exercising your valves at least once a month, which is one of the simplest but most effective ways to make sure your pipes are running smoothly. Calcium buildups, which are not harmful to your health but are harmful to your plumbing, can be cleared by regularly exercising your valves. Hydro jetting your lines, especially lateral drain piping runs, is a great way to combat the buildup of organic materials in your system, which can occur naturally or from the incorrect disposal of food items and grease via your kitchen sink. Enzyme treatments are also available to homeowners and are a great way to stop the buildup of material in your pipes.

While retrofitting your pipes is a great way to bring old plumbing into the modern era, it’s still up to homeowners to care for their lines properly. And the best way to make sure your newly retrofitted system is running accordingly is by scheduling annual or bi-annual inspections with a certified plumbing professional.

535 Plumbing – Your Retrofitting Experts

If you live on Oahu and are in need of a licensed plumber, choose 535 Plumbing for the job! Our team of professional Oahu plumbers are highly skilled and our excellent customer support representatives will work with you to schedule your appointments at a time you most convenient. Learn more and schedule an appointment by calling (808) 300-0535, or Visit Our Contact Us Page. Mahalo!